“Tangled” is an animated Disney movie made in 2010. The story is about a girl named Rapunzel who’s about to turn 18. The movie shows Rapunzel going through difficult times in her life while she is trying to find herself, but she finds herself stumbling on her long lost family and true love along the way.
Rapunzel has been locked away in a tower ever since she was a baby by Mother Gothel. Mother Gothel took Rapunzel away from her parents who are the king and queen of Corona, the setting of the movie, so she could use Rapunzel’s magical ability to heal and make her younger. With Rapunzel’s long blond hair that produces magic when she sings a healing incantation. Mother Gothel would make sure that Rapunzel could never get out of the tower and make sure she never got a chance to learn about the world around her or her real family. One day a thief called Flynn Rider climbed up her tower and showed her the world helping Rapunzel through her exciting journey.
The animation in “Tangled” is beautiful with many peaceful sceneries and many lovable characters. One of the best scenes in the movie is the lantern scene when Rapunzel and Flynn Rider are on a boat in the middle of the lake with a beautiful view of the castle and lanterns with the song, “I See The Light”, which enhances the beauty of the scene with the romance and trust built up over time. The story is very well written and so are the characters. All the songs in “Tangled” are very fun and heartwarming.
This is a great movie to watch with the whole family. I grew up watching “Tangled” and it was always one of my favorites. Now growing up, I am so glad that I was able to watch it when I was younger because now I am able to appreciate how beautiful the movie is.
“Tangled” is one of the best Disney princess movies with a strong female lead, a heartwarming family reunion and charming love story.