“Coco” is a Pixar animation made in 2017. The movie is about a boy named Miguel who has a passion for music. The only thing that is standing between him and his love for music is his family’s hatred for music. Miguel goes on a journey to the Land Of The Dead while discovering the true history of his family and helps his family find their love for music.
The movie takes place in a fictional Mexican village where they are celebrating The Day Of The Dead. The Day Of The Dead is a holiday in Mexican culture that helps people remember the deceased and celebrate the memory of their loved ones. The land of the dead is where Miguel travels to through his journey. It’s the Mexican folklore after life.
“Coco” is a beautiful movie with gorgeous animation and amazing songs. Some of the best songs in the movie are “Remember Me,” “Un Poco Loco,” and, “The World Es Mi Familia.” The movie is filled with many emotions, some that make you happy, laugh and even cry which is an amazing part of this movie.
The movie “Coco” was written by Adrian Molina, Matthew Aldrich, Lee Unkrich and Jason Katz. They were inspired by Maria Salud Ramirez who was a Mexican native born on Sept. 16, 1919 and sadly passed away on Oct. 16, 2022 at 109. She was animated as Mama Coco in the movie.
“Coco” is a very heartwarming movie that shows the love and bond between family. It shows the importance of remembering your deceased loved ones and appreciating family and friends that are still with us. This is an amazing movie to watch with family and friends whenever you feel you need cheering up.