“The Notebook” is a romance movie that was released in 2004. The movie shows an unwavering love between Noah Calhoun played by Ryan Gosling and Allie Hamilton played by Rachel McAdams and how love can bring two people together and tear eachother apart and then bring each other back together again.
It is set in the 1940s and starts off in a town called Seabrook, South Carolina, where Allie was visiting for the summer. This is where Allie and Noah would meet for the first time and where they became inseparable and they were deeply in love with each other. Noah didn’t have a lot of money at the time, but promised to build Allie a house however she wanted. Since Noah did not have a lot of money Allie’s family did not want them to be together. Noah knew this and wanted to do the best thing for Allie and decided to break up. Which left them both heart broken, but they still had to continue with their lives, slowly separating from each other but never forgetting about their unforgettable memories together. Even through all of this Noah and Allie find a way to come back to each and have an unwavering love as they grow old together.
This movie shows the beauty of love which is really hard to depict in one movie. It shows all the parts of love like the hard times and the better times in a relationship. It also shows love can be unpredictable and not always end as you would hope. Even through the hard times your partner is supporting you so you can get through it together.
“The Notebook” was originally a book written by Nicholas Sparks in 1944 and it was published in 1996. It was Nicholas Spark’s first published novel. He based the protagonists Allie and Noah off of his wife’s grandparents that were together for over 60 years and had still had a strong love for eachother. When Sparks saw this, he was inspired to write a book about them and their love.
This movie is a perfect example of true love. It shows the bond that two people can have and how it can grow into something amazing that can last forever. Everyone needs to watch at least once to see because words cannot show the true beauty of a movie.