“Mamma Mia” is a romantic comedy and heartwarming movie filled with music. The movie was made in 2008. The protagonist, Sophie, played by Amanda Seyfried, is the daughter of Donna, who is played by Meryl Streep. Sophie has always felt that there was something she was missing her whole life because her father was never there. Since Sophie was going to get married soon, she wanted to find her father to feel whole. One day, she found her mom’s old notebook that had the names of three of her possible fathers, Sam, Harry and Bill. Without her mother or fiance knowing, Sophie sent a letter to all of them inviting them to her wedding to find out which one was her father.
The “Mamma Mia” movie is based on a book which was made into a musical. “Mamma Mia” was directed by Phyllida Lloyd and written by Catherine Johnson. It is an amazing, feel-good movie. This is a very emotional movie filled with themes of friendship and family. This movie has amazing actors and amazing songs that make people feel happy while and after watching it. All the actors have beautiful voices that fit the roles they played perfectly. Most of the songs used in “Mamma Mia” are “ABBA” songs. “ABBA” is a band that started in the 1970’s. Some of the songs are “Dancing Queen,” “Take A Chance On Me” and “Our Last Summer.”
The clothing in “Mamma Mia” is all beautiful, especially Sophie’s wedding dress at the end of the musical. The setting of the movie is a gorgeous paradise, and it takes place on a fictional Greek island called Kalokairi. The real filming place of the movie was Skopelos, Greece. It is a stunning island with small intricately designed houses and a beach with clear blue water surrounding the whole island.
The maturity rating of the movie is PG-13. I would agree with the maturity rating because it is better to watch the movie when you are older and can understand the whole meaning of the movie.
“Mamma Mia” is overall just a magnificent movie that you could watch any day and instantly make yourself feel better, with romance, comedy, friendship and family relationships becoming better along the way. If you have the time to watch “Mamma Mia,” I would definitely recommend watching it.