LSW Improv Information


LSW Improv Team

John Robert, Writer

LSW Improv is a club at Southwest organized by the Seniors Jordan Lockert and Dillon Richert. Improv is a form of live theatre where all story, plot, and characters are made up on the spot with no preparation, and oftentimes you start a scene based on a location,object, or a conflict. 


The club normally meets every Thursday after school. In order to join you do not have to fill out any paperwork or be in theatre, you just have to come to the meetings. If you come you are not required to perform, you can just observe and see if it’s something you’re interested in.


 “When I started to do theatre at the Haymarket Theatre my director had us do improv scenes together and there was this one scene in particular where I played a giant cockroach that really cemented my love of improv,” Lockert said.


“I became interested in improv after I saw people perform at State Theatre and after that me and Jordan started the Improv club. We eventually made it to State and we performed really well, it was a very surreal moment,” Richert said.


For any further questions you may have you can follow the Instagram account lswimprov. The LSW Improv team placed third at state last year and performed at the LSW Cabaret this year.