Freshman Football Score Their First Win of the Season

Jina Bagheri

On Wednesday, Sep. 5, freshman football scored their first win of the season. They played Lincoln High and won 20-8.


The freshman football team had a rough start at the beginning of the game.


“I think we did ok, we could’ve done better,” freshman Cooper Finnegan said. “It was a long game. It was tied for a lot of it but we came through and won.”


The Hawks relied on encouragement from one another to pull together and win the game.


“Our relationship with the team is really strong,” freshman Aiden Welch said. “I think everyone picks each other up.”


Coach Aaron Finley hopes to help the members improve while still allowing them to enjoy the game.


“Our goal is to make sure everyone has a good experience and have fun,” assistant football coach, Aaron Finley said. “And try to win a few games and hopefully make sure they can develop and come out next year.” 


The Hawks are playing Northeast for their next game on Wednesday, Sep. 11 at 5:00 p.m at Southwest.