It’s Prom Season

Aubriana Baxa

Student council put up signs in the commons area, advertising the dates and price they will be selling prom tickets. The final opportunity to purchase tickets is during lunch on Thursday and the cost is $20.00.

Aubriana Baxa, Writer

Southwest is hosting prom this Saturday at Courtside Banquet Hall from 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.. The theme is “Through the Looking Glass”.


“I’m excited for prom because this is my last year and I got nominated by a lot of amazing people from our student body,” senior prom queen nominee Samantha Evans said. “I’m pretty excited to be escorted by Cameron Coen. He’s amazing too, so it is amazing to be nominated with him.”


There will be a pep rally on Friday from 9:44 a.m – 10:14 a.m. to announce the royalty nominations. 


“Being nominated for prom king is fun and exciting,” senior prom king nominee Steven Dao said. “I wasn’t expecting it again, but I’m really happy.”


Post prom will take place at Southwest. It is carnival themed. There will be bounce houses, food trucks and carnival games. 


Tickets for both prom and post prom went on sale Monday and will be available through lunch on Thursday. Tickets must be purchased in order to be admitted into either event. 


“Ticket sales do stop on Friday,” sophomore and Student Council historian Jada Frank said. “So it is important that students take this last day to purchase tickets before school, during lunches, or after school.”


In order to purchase tickets, a student must have settled all fees with the bookkeeper. They must also have been less than 10 days truant. 


The Booster Club is requiring that students sign a waiver to get tickets for post prom. These waivers can be found in the main office.