Freshman Girls Win LPS Championship

Photo Courtesy: Nicole Kubik

LSW Freshman girls basketball team celebrates their victory. The girls won the LPS championship Tuesday night, 52-48.

McKenna DeRiese

The LSW Freshman girls basketball team defeated Northeast, 52-48 Tuesday night at North Star High School.

Northeast was ahead 20-16 going into the second half, making the girls anxious going into the last part of the game although, they’ve had many games like this.

“This game was definitely intense,” freshman Lexi Wathor said. “We didn’t know if we were going to win or lose since some of last games were close like this one too but, our team has improved so much and it’s great to see us win and each individual look so good for our last game.”

One of the team’s point guards, freshman Fraziana Wynn shot many free throw and Tuesday night’s game was no exception.

“When I make a free throw I try to block out everything around me and just remember I need to make this shot,” Wynn said. “This game was important and I knew we needed these points.”

Although the season for the girls is over, they are excited to stay close and work towards improving for next year.

“I love these girls,” freshman Nya Boum said. “I hope we can do summer conditioning together and be a team again next year.”

The freshman boys also played in the LPS Championship Tuesday night and lost to East, 60-55.