Academic Excellence

McKenna DeRiese

Sophomore Ava Spinar shakes Principal Michael Gillotti’s hand during Honors Convocation on Thursday, Feb. 21.

Thursey Cook

Honors Convocation was held in the main gym on Thursday, Feb. 21.

It was an opportunity to recognize students who succeeded in the academic realm. It gave the school a chance to acknowledge when students were working hard in class.

“The honors can help a lot with applications for future colleges and jobs,” junior Stephanie Kluthe said. “It shows what you can accomplish as a person.”

To make honor roll, students had to have a GPA of 3.5 or higher for a semester. A 4.0 GPA and higher along with  perfect attendance were also awarded to many students. Other honors included academic letters, pins, and top 3 percent.

“The academic letter or pin is important because it’s a testament to the dedication of students to their studies.” junior Tyler Bartolome said.

To gain an academic letter students had to have two consecutive semesters of getting at least a 4.0 GPA and academic pins were awarded after two more semesters after an academic letter.

“I feel like we do a great job of celebrating sport champions but we don’t always have great ways to recognize students who are doing what they need to be doing in the classroom,” associate principal John Matzen said. “Honors Convocation is our best opportunity to do that.”

Southwest encouraged all students to work hard in class and celebrated students’ accomplishments outside as well as inside the classroom.