Japanese Club Celebrates Kaze no Bon Festival
Japanese club celebrates Kaze no Bon Festival
September 10, 2021
The Japanese Club celebrated the Kaze no Bon Festival on Sept. 9 after school. The Kaze no Bon Festival is celebrated from Sep. 1-3 and has been a tradition for over 300 years.
The Japanese club honored the festival by making paper lanterns and decorating them with traditional and non-traditional Japanese art and characters.
“The lanterns are traditionally presented at the festival to add to the atmosphere. The lanterns are also traditionally used to light the way to welcome back ancestors,” club sponsor Mrs. Tammy Lamprecht said.
The festival is to appease the winds and typhoons and to bless the crops for a bountiful harvest that year. At night, dancers wear a straw hat while singing a song, and the women wear a casual summertime Kimono.
In addition to the lanterns, seniors Olivia Wood and Drake Straight gave a presentation about the festival.
“The festival is important to learn about because it is important to Japanese culture, Wood said. “Part of the Japanese Club is learning the important traditions.”
The next Japanese club meeting will be held next week on Sep.16 right after school in room A213.