Monday, April 15, marked the first day of Spirit Week at Lincoln Southwest ran by Southwest Student Council (StuCo). StuCo arranged the prom spirit week.
Students have a good time dressing up. Especially if it is a theme they look forward to.
“Spirit Week is beneficial because it helps to create a fun environment amidst the stress of school and it helps to bring the student body together,” senior Emma Gross said. “I like to dress up every day and see what my peers are wearing.”
Everyday of the week had a different theme. Monday, April 15 was Pajamas, Tuesday, April 16 was Hawk Pride, Wednesday, April 17 was Mathlete vs. Athlete, Thursday, April 18 was Rhyme Without a Reason and Friday, April 19 was Mardi Gras.
“Spirit Week is this week because prom is this Saturday,” Student Council vice president junior Jada Frank said. “Spirit Week is to get juniors and seniors excited and into the spirit of prom.”
Prom will be taking place on Saturday, Apr. 20 at CourtSide Banquet Hall located at Speedway Village from 8 p.m.-11 p.m.