On Friday, Feb. 9, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) received runner-up at the Husker Business Invitational. Sophomore Claire Timperley, freshman Amy Yuan and junior Cole Wilkason secured all of the points for their team. Timperley won first place for Intro to Business and third place for Intro to Finance. Yuan finished first place for Intro to Financial Math. Wilkason came in second place in Personal Finance and fifth place in Business Calculations. FBLA finished with 36 points overall and placed runner-up to Lincoln East High School.
“I was definitely not expecting to get first place for financial math because I didn’t really prepare or anything,” Yuan said. “However, I wouldn’t have done anything differently.”
Invitationals give the opportunity for FBLA members to connect with other FBLA chapters across the state.
“At UNL, I competed in Business Communications and Personal Finance,” FBLA’s CEO, junior Stefani Johnson said. “The competition was definitely a little stressful because you have an hour to answer 100 questions, but our FBLA chapter has Tuesday night study sessions where we’re able to study the materials our advisor Mr. Hinrichs has.”
FBLA’s next meeting is Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 7:15 a.m. in B200. Students can learn more about FBLA on the Southwest FBLA homepage (https://sites.google.com/class.lps.org/southwestfbla/home).