Sophomores to Take on Pre-ACT

Emely CHairez

ACT preparation book available for students to check out in the Counseling Center. The Counseling Center offers section specific ACT books and SAT books as well.

Emely Chairez, Editor-in-Chief

On Thursday, Nov. 3, all Lincoln Southwest sophomores will be taking the Pre-ACT starting at 8:15 a.m. at LSW. 


There will be no school for freshmen, juniors and seniors on Nov. 3. 


“The Pre-ACT is really good practice because it reads and flows like the actual ACT,” instructional coordinator Dr. Travis Brady said. “Another reason why it is beneficial is because counselors will look at those scores and if they see a student is struggling in one section of the class theory might get some extra support by being put in some classes to better help them for the actual ACT the next year.”


Students will be allowed into the school building at 7:15 a.m. through the main entrance and breakfast will be served per usual. The doors to the academic wing will be opened at 7:50 a.m. and students will report to their testing rooms. 


Students are not permitted to have cell phones or other electronics in the testing rooms. Students may bring a calculator, number two pencils and their student ID.


“I am nervous because it is a big test and because it’s preparing me for the actual test,” sophomore Anthony Aden said. “I think the Pre-ACT is important in order to help kids understand what’s going to be on the actual ACT.”


At 11:00 a.m., standard testing will end. Extended testing will end around 12:05 p.m.


After testing, an optional lunch will be served and students will be allowed to leave.


The sophomores will take the actual ACT in April of their junior year. This year’s juniors will take the ACT on April 4.