Resources For Refugees
The donation bins are placed in the City Campus, Multicultural Center, East Campus Union. (Left to Right)
September 21, 2021
The Afghan Student Association and the Bosnian American Student Alliance of UNL are collecting donations for incoming refugees through the Catholic Social Services.
Items will be collected from Sept. 13 12:00 a.m. to Sept. 24 11:45 p.m.
“A small donation will help a lot even for a [single pair of] socks. It will still help out a lot,” sophomore Jared Ebrahim, AFSA member said. “People need this stuff. The Afghan refugees need help. They could even possibly be over here or at the school soon. They really could use some help because, getting to Lincoln is one step, but starting your own life and a good start up in everything that’s another step.”
According to The Associated Press, on Wednesday, Sept. 15, the Biden administration started notifying state refugee coordinators and governors across the country about how many Afghan evacuees would resettle in their states. The United States withdrew last month and ended the 20 years long war there. State department data detailed that there will be 37,000 people who have fled Afghanistan and are making their way to resettle around the country. Seven hundred seventy five Afghani evacuees are about to make their way to settle in Nebraska as the first part of the group.
“We started this clothing fund drive to try to rack up as many clothes as we can for Afghan refugees,” sophomore Arwin Ebrahim, AFSA member said. “We want people to know how much they are helping and benefiting these Afghan refugees. They can do it by donating a simple t-shirt or old clothes.”
Bins are held at the welcome desks in the City Campus Union, East Campus Union and Multicultural Center . AFSA and BASA are looking for towels, blankets, socks, hangers, hygiene items that don’t expire and clothing, but will also take other items.
AFSA, UNL, BASA are working together to collect donations and give them to the Catholic Social Services. Arwin states how much AFSA are appreciative and thankful of the help they have been receiving.