Pre-ACT to take place on Nov. 4
A packet found in the counseling center about the filling out the worksheet before taking the Pre-ACT.
October 27, 2021
Juniors and sophomores will be taking the Pre-ACT on Nov. 4 from 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Lincoln Southwest High School.
Students can find what their assigned room and seat is by looking at an email sent out by Dr. Brady about the Pre-ACT. Students will need to be in their assigned room by 8:00 a.m. in order to start the demographic portion of the test. Doors to the academic wing will open at 7:50 a.m.
The Pre-ACT is available to help students prepare for the actual ACT and see what it will be like to take it.
“The Pre-ACT is beneficial to students because it is identical to the actual ACT minus the writing portion,” Instructional Coordinator Dr. Brady said. “It also gives counselors an idea of where students might need extra academic instruction.”
Students will need to bring some number two pencils, an approved calculator if they have one, their student ID and a printed and completed non-test information worksheet. The worksheet can be found in the email sent to students from Dr. Brady about the Pre-ACT. Students can also pick up a printed worksheet from the main office.
“I’m nervous to take the test since I wasn’t able to take it last year because of COVID,” junior Kenzie Mattox said. “Hopefully this helps me feel better about taking the actual test.”
The ACT will be taking place on April 5.