How To Order A Cap And Gown
December 13, 2021
With graduation coming up, it is important for seniors to order a cap and gown before the Feb. 1. deadline. By ordering early seniors will get their order on time without any additional fees, and this is how to do it in a few easy steps.
First, start off by going to the LSW homepage.
Then, seniors will click the “Cap and Gown Information” tab. After the tab is clicked, it will bring seniors to an information page, which shows basic information on ordering. After viewing that page, seniors will click the “Place Order” tab.
Clicking the button will take you to Signature Grad Products, where seniors will use their t-shirt size and height, to determine the size and length of the gown.
After picking their size, seniors can choose from different packages. Ranging from $38 – $129, these packages consist of graduation announcements, an upgraded tassel with the school’s mascot and return address labels. The more expensive the package the more it comes with.
“Having to order a cap and gown definitely makes graduation feel real, it definitely gave me butterflies when placing the order,” senior Sarah Farriator said.
Students can email [email protected] if they have any questions regarding their order.