Getting Into The Spooky Spirit: Southwest Movie Night Details

Spooky Night is on Tuesday, Oct. 30.
October 25, 2018
Student Council’s “Spooky Night” is next Wednesday, Oct. 30 in the commons. The movie that was chosen by majority vote was “Halloween Town.” The doors will open at 5:30 p.m and the movie starts at 6:30 p.m.
People attending can get in by bringing two or more canned foods for the food drive student council has set up. Concessions will be open to buy snacks from as well.
“We are trying to get as much food to give to the food bank,” Student Council member junior Sam Spethman said. “The week before Spooky Night there will be a food drive going on with DECA as well.”
There will also be a costume contest that anyone can join. The prize is a basket full of treats. The only rule is that costumes have to be homemade.
Student Council hopes at least 100 students will be there according to student council. Some of those who are attending believe helping out the food bank is charitable.
“I think it’s very helpful and thoughtful to use an opportunity like this to give food to people that need it,” said Scott Middle school student Tuana Kulak.
To some, helping out others is important and could change how others treat each other in school or anywhere.
“I think when other students help each other out it brings more kindness to the school” student council advisor Sarah Hammers said. “I think without other people being kind then the school is not as happy of a place to be.”