Buckets of Cash
0020: Gia Tong explains Change Wars to another student. She is the Project Team Leader for FBLA this year.
January 22, 2020
At the front of the school, FBLA Change Wars is continuing from last week to raise more money for charity. There are four buckets designated to each grade, freshman, sophomore, junior and senior.
Students can put change into their designated buckets at the front of the school, and put bills into the other grade’s buckets to bring their amount down. This is a fun way to both earn money and get some of that competitive spirit out.
“It’s just to get all the classes, freshman through senior to kind of compete against each other,” senior Jerzee Imhof said.
Last year, the earnings were in the low hundreds, and FBLA is hoping to hit that milestone this year. The classes with the highest sum of money are entering a raffle. Those who win the raffle get giftcards to Old Chicago. The prizes are no small feat, and some people are going to be very happy with a free frosty for the rest of 2020.
“All the prizes are provided by FBLA.” senior Gia Tong said. “All the proceeds go to the People’s City Mission.”