A Kaleidoscope of People
Junior Nich Bennets leads the discussion during Kaleidoscope Club. They meet Tuesdays in the A118 forum at 2:03 to 3:00 p.m.
February 21, 2020
Kaleidoscope Club is a club where students can go talk, play games, be social and eat snacks. Though the main purpose of the club was created out of the idea to create a small community in our big schools that can talk about their struggles and how to help each other. They meet on Tuesdays from 2:03 to 3:00 in the A118 forum.
“I really like this because its, to put it in someone else’s words, a huge school feel a little bit smaller.” junior Nich Bennets said. “It’s providing that nice little community of 20 to 30 people where you can just reliably go to know to be able to laugh with and have a good time.”
There is a kaleidoscope club in all six LPS schools. The first Kaleidoscope Club started eight years ago at North Star, but they expanded two or three years ago and now even some middle schools meet once a month.
“Its really to try to create a positive community where kids can just be themselves,” club sponsor Bruce Riddle said.
Some students are not willing to join clubs because in most clubs you are required to come every week, but you aren’t required to do so in Kaleidoscope club. You can come as much or as little as you want. Anybody is welcome.
“That is why Kaleidoscope. You look in it and there are all kinds of colors and shapes and sizes and thats what makes it really cool to look at.” Riddle said.