On Thursday, Sept. 28, Student Council (StuCo) is hosting Southwest’s annual blood drive. This is the first time StuCo is hosting, with the event previously having been hosted by former staff members Mr. Mark Watt and Mr. Pete Stone. The event will last from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
“There is a national blood shortage and the Red Cross has been having a really hard time trying to find people to donate,” StuCo sponsor Mrs. Sarah Hammers said. “Our goal is to fill up every single available slot at our blood drives this year so we can make a big impact and show that Southwest is an amazing community of people.”
StuCo will be handing out two forms at a table in front of the trophy cases before school, leading up to the event. The first is the LPS blood donation form and it must be filled out by all students wishing to participate. This form lasts the entire school year and can either be turned into the front office before your donation date or brought with you to your donation. Students under 16 must also submit a parent permission form. A new one of these must be brought with them each time they donate.
Participating students will check in at a table by door 10 and proceed to the Blood Mobile parked in the staff lot. After the donation process is complete the student can grab a provided snack while they are monitored for 15 minutes before returning to class.
“I would tell them (students scared to donate) that once they do it once, donating will get easier every time,” Blood Drive Committee member, junior Mary Beth Hart said. “They get a free snack when they do it.”
For a more efficient donation process, it is recommended that students make appointments. This can be done through https://www.ncbbherohub.club/donor/schedules/sponsor_code by entering the sponsor code SWST, by calling (402) 486-9414 or by scanning the QR code on flyers posted around school.