The Batman Trailer Review
September 9, 2020
¨The Batman¨ opens on an eerie note, with a man face being ducktaped shut. It sets the stage for a visceral,dark film reminiscent of, but distinct from,the Christopher Nolan Batman films starring Christian Bale,and that featured an Oscar winning performance by the late Heath Ledger.
You get a first glimpse of the storyline when Commissioner Gordon, played by Jeffrey Wright, reads a mysterious riddle, And from the shadow emerges Batman, played by Robert Pattinson.
Throughout the trailer you get enough small looks at Gotham to be intrigued, but it restrains itself from showing too much and keeps the audience guessing.
The costuming and music do not disappoint either, they incorporate Something in the way by Nirvana to help build an eerie tone. The costume is practical while at the same time reminiscent of the source material it was based on.
The trailer sets up a dark mystery with a more intellectual villain,and gives the audience a new look into Batman as a detective, something that we have not seen in previous incarnations.
¨The Batman¨ will be in theaters Oct 1, 2021.