“Princess And The Frog” is an animated Disney movie made in 2009. “Princess And The Frog” is located in New Orleans in 1926 during the Jazz age. “Princess And The Frog” is about Tiana who is a hard working waitress who is trying to follow her dreams in life by working hard. She is trying to follow her deceased father’s dream to open a restaurant and make people happy with her food just like her father did.
While Tiana is trying to follow her dreams, Prince Naveen who is immature and irresponsible, is trying to travel and have fun. Everything was normal until one day, Tiana and Naveen got turned into frogs because of Dr. Facilier, an evil voodoo witch doctor. He wanted to capture souls to collect Prince Naveen’s money. Tiana and Naveen go on an exciting journey to turn themselves back into humans where they find many friends and true love along the way.
Watching “Princess And The Frog” as a little kid always gave me hope that anything I put my mind to could come true with hard work and by wishing on a star. It gave me more hope for the things that I could do in the future and a sense of imagination which was a big part of my childhood. It has many fun characters like Ray the firefly, Louis the crocodile, Mama Odie and Charlotte La Bouff. Another amazing part of the movie is all the songs that are perfect for the movie. Some of my favorite songs are
One of my favorite senses in the movie is when Tiana and Naveen are frogs and are dancing on top of the lily pads in the lagoon. With romantic and beautiful animation and a gorgeous song playing in the background “Ma Belle Evangeline.” Which is one of my favorite songs in the movie. Some other of my favorite songs are “Ma Belle Evangeline,” which is a romantic song and “Almost There,” which has a happy and catchy beat.
“Princess And The Frog” is an amazing movie to watch with family and little kids because it shows that people’s dreams really can come true with hard work and support from the people you love.